What is the price of Apple iPhone 4 ?

The price for a new Apple iPhone 4

Average price for a phone Apple iPhone 4 64GB is 712.47 EUR.
Apple iPhone 4 64GB currently costs from 90.59 EUR to 1237.41 EUR.

Average price for a phone Apple iPhone 4 32GB is 324.24 EUR.
Apple iPhone 4 32GB currently costs from 77.41 EUR to 677.41 EUR.

Average price for a phone Apple iPhone 4 256GB is 1138.59 EUR.
Apple iPhone 4 256GB currently costs from 776.24 EUR to 1385.88 EUR.

Average price for a phone Apple iPhone 4 16GB is 118.35 EUR.
Apple iPhone 4 16GB currently costs from 63.29 EUR to 389.41 EUR.

Average price for a phone Apple iPhone 4 128GB is 576.24 EUR.
Apple iPhone 4 128GB currently costs from 540.94 EUR to 611.53 EUR.

Average price for a phone Apple iPhone 4 8GB is 328.94 EUR.
Apple iPhone 4 8GB currently costs from 60.94 EUR to 1456.47 EUR.

The price for a used Apple iPhone 4

Average price for a phone Apple iPhone 4 16GB is 70.59 EUR.
Apple iPhone 4 16GB currently costs from 14.12 EUR to 194.12 EUR.

Average price for a phone Apple iPhone 4 32GB is 159.06 EUR.
Apple iPhone 4 32GB currently costs from 35.29 EUR to 380 EUR.

Average price for a phone Apple iPhone 4 64GB is 366.59 EUR.
Apple iPhone 4 64GB currently costs from 35.29 EUR to 1482.35 EUR.

Average price for a phone Apple iPhone 4 8GB is 44.47 EUR.
Apple iPhone 4 8GB currently costs from 23.29 EUR to 68.24 EUR.

Average price for a phone Apple iPhone 4 128GB is 343.53 EUR.
Apple iPhone 4 128GB currently costs from 343.53 EUR to 343.53 EUR.

We do our best to make our analysis of pricing as good as possible. However it might happen that there will be a mistake on our webiste. If you think our pricing is wrong, please write about it.

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